wiki:QT4 Graphics

Graphics, image manipulation applications

Below is a list of all known graphics Qt4 applications that are available for OS/2 and eCS. Either maintained here or in the orginal code base. Entries are sorted in alphabetical order.

NameVersionDL LinkDescriptionWeb siteUpdate Info
Advanced Photo1.4.1ZipAdvanced Photo allows you to open a wide variety of image formats, including some of the popular types, such as JPEG, BMP, GIF, and PNG.Advanced PhotoQt v4.7.3
Baires1.2RC1ZipBaires is designed to resolve problem I had before: resizing bunch of pictures and storing them to the directory for sending.Baires
Colortool1.0ZipColortool helps converting colors between different color models.Colortool
Converseen0.3.5ZipConverseen can convert an unlimited number of images and or create thumbnails. (2)Converseen
Crosti1.13.37ZWith this tool you can make unique cross stitch scheme from custom image.CrostiQt v4.7.3
Cscreenie1.1.9ZipA screenshot utility written in Qt which allows you to quickly capture the area of your screen (1).CscreenieQt v4.7.3
Diffimg2.2.07ZDiffImg is a simple image comparison tool which take two images with the same size as input.DiffimgQt v4.7.3
Drawpile0.6.0zipDrawpile is a Free software collaborative drawing program that allows multiple users to sketch on the same canvas simultaneously.DrawpileLast available version based on Qt4
Easyimagesizer33.0.5zipEasyimagesizer3 is a program to batch compress, resize and rename Images.EasyimagesizerQt v4.7.3
easyPaint0.1.17ZA small image editor.EasyPaintQt v4.7.3
ExtremeImageConverterbetaZipA open-source batch image format converter.EIC
Fotowall1.0ZipFotowall is an opensource creative tool that lets you play with your pixels as you've ever wanted.Fotowall
Graphscan1.3.57ZGraphScan is a graphical scientific tool that allows one to grab data points and errors from figures, so that they can be re-used to, for instance, make new plots.GraphscanQt v4.7.3
hotshots2.2.07ZHotShots is an application for capturing screens and saving them in a variety of image formats as well as adding annotations and graphical data(1).HotshotsQt v4.7.3
knotter0.9.5a7ZKnotter allow you to design interlace patterns used as decorations, such Celtic or Islamic knotworks.KnotterQt v4.7.3
nomacs2.4.67ZNomacs is a free image viewer for windows, linux, and mac and OS/2 systems.NomacsQt v4.7.3
Painter0.1ZipPainter is a small painting program (only in polish language).Painter
Photokit0.3.9ZipPhotokit is a photo browser with impressive 3D effects and many slide effects.PhotokitQt v4.7.3
PhotoResizerQt1.3.1ZipPhotoResizerQt is a simple program to resize one or several photos.PhotoResizerQtQt v4.7.3
QGrab0.2.3ZipMinimalistic screen grabber, no kidding it is very minimalistic - but also very lightweight.QgrabQt v4.7.3
QIviewer0.5.0ZipQIviewer is a simple image viewer. It opens the following image formats: BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, PBM, PGM, PPM, XBM, XPM, SVG, SVGZ, WEBP (experimental).QIViewerQt v4.7.3
Qosmic1.5.0ZipQosmic is a cosmic recursive flame fractal editor. This software can be used to create content for the electricsheep screensaver.QosmicFlame 3.1.1 algorithm. A missing component, re-packaged correctly
Qtnp0.9.8ZipThis is the simple and simplest graphical editor for.??Qt v4.7.3
QVV4.02ZipQVV is a simple image viewer.QVV
Screengrab0.8.1ZipA crossplatform tool for getting screenshots.Screengrab
Simple Image Resizer2.3ZipA simple application for resizing images.SIRQt v4.7.3
SmillaEnlarger0.9.0ZipA grafic and command line images resize tool with an owned algorythm.SmillaEnlargerQt v4.7.3
Squash0.3ZipA simple application for resizing images.Squash
syncwall2.0.07ZSyncWall is quite a basic wallpaper changer with a special feature (1).SyncWallQt v4.7.3
SVGCleaner0.6.27ZSVG Cleaner could help you to clean up your SVG files from unnecessary data.SVGCleanerQt v4.7.3
Wally2.4.57ZA Qt4 wallpaper changer, using multiple sources like files, folders, FTP remote folders (1).WallyQt v4.7.3


1 - The application uses the System Tray widget.

2 - Update available in a higher Qt version.

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Last modified 17 months ago Last modified on Oct 21, 2023, 4:51:53 AM
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